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Protein and Amino Acids
Wheatgrass juice contains 17 amino acids which are vital to help build protein in the body.
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Chlorophyll and Rebuilding Blood
Liquid chlorophyll found in wheatgrass readily soaks into the bodily tissues, refines them and makes them over.
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Phytochemicals contained in plant foods play important roles in disease prevention
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Vitamin E
Wheatgrass contains all minerals known to man, and vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, l and K
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Enzimler zaman hapsedilir ve buğday çimi suyu tozu su ile karıştırıldığında tekrar aktif hale gelirler
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Wheatgrass is rich in calcium, which strengthens teeth and bones, regulates heartbeat and balances pH values in the blood. It contains at least as much calcium as milk. The Wheatgrass book was written by Ann Wigmore.
Vitamin MG
Wheatgrass is a nutritionally complete food. Its juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables
Easy Peasy, Melt Me Quickly
Easily melt and consume your daily dosage of ancient greens and bring vitality to your life.
Wheatgrass juice; Citrus fruits contain as much potassium as grapes, apples and melons. Helps maintain smooth mineral balance and body weight. It also serves to strengthen the muscles, tighten the skin and enhance overall beauty.
A study completed in 2002 found that patients suffering from ulcerative colitis, an inflammation of the colon saw improvements after only 1 month when consuming 100ml daily.
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Wheatgrass juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available today. When consumed as a Liquid, chlorophyll has the ability to get into the tissue, where it can actually refine and renew cells.
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